Hi, my name is Missy and I am so excited to share these amazing products with you!
For the past 15+ years friends, family and strangers have called me "Dr. Missy" because I am always known for having natural remedies that work and saved people a doctors visit and saved money while also getting to the root of the issue. (Disclaimer, this is not health advice, I am not a doctor).
I have always believed our bodies were designed to heal themselves and if we give them the right environment, healthy organic food, positive words, it gives our bodies the ability to do its job, which is to heal itself.
Back in 2019 I had this amazing and very vivid dream where a friend of mine that was paralyzed was healed over night after he had (good) radiation frequency therapy, which I had never heard of before this dream. I won't go into details, but it is what has prompted me to go on a journey into learning about frequencies, sound therapy, and other modes of healing.
I am a believer in Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) I was raised in the church and I was taught to believe anything to do with frequencies, crystals, and meditation wasn't to be touched because it was 'new age' and somehow automatically off limits. My beliefs on that have changed.
I consider myself to be part of the 'Next Age' movement, a movement that is all about shifting this realm into the Next Age, and bringing the Kingdom of Heaven down to earth, operating in the spiritual realm and bringing it into this reality. His Kingdom come... on Earth as it is in Heaven.
When it dawned on me that Yahweh created us by a frequency, by His breath, by releasing a sound, it only made more sense that we should be affected by frequencies and we have been and are effected by them everyday, we just aren't aware of them and unfortunately the majority of the frequencies that effect our daily lives are bad frequencies; like wifi, 5g, emf's, cell phones, tv's, microwaves, x-rays, etc.
But there are also good frequencies and Prife products release the desired frequencies that resonate with our bodies frequency that cause it to regenerate it's cells, awaken dormant stem cells and heal itself as well as detox and get rid of bad cells. Wow! Our bodies are amazing!
Upon waking from my dream I had the revelation that we just needed to change the channel, like you would change a radio station and to tune into Heavens Frequency and we would be healed. I am learning to tune in, and just like music, prayer and meditation helps us to tune in, so do Iteracare products that carry Heavens Frequencies. So tune in with me and experience the amazing benefits of Heavens Frequencies with Prifes frequency products!
I went to the dentist and was told there was nothing that could be done for my tooth other than a root canal and a crown because I had an infection. Well, instead of spending over $4,000 on dental care that I didn't want, nor believe is healthy for you (root canals cause all sorts of problems) I decided to spend LESS money and buy my first Iteracare Wand, I opted for the premium wand. After just 3 days I saw improvement all while eating acidic foods that usually cause my gums to swell. The infection isn't gone yet, but I believe it is getting there. I will post an updated picture when it is healed.
My skin also feels softer and firmer especially around the jawline and sun spots that I have, have faded by 50% in just a few days.
My 9 year old daughter, Ezria (the one on the left in the picture above) got prescription glasses this year. Well, after just 2 or 3 sessions going over her eyes and meridian points, she said her vision improved and she doesn't need her glasses! wow!
My uncle who has a long list of health issues let me use the wands on his knees where he has arthritis, he said it felt good while wanding and the following day they felt better as well from just 1 session that was only a couple minutes long!
I also went over one of our sport horses, focusing on his spine, hocks and stifles. Normally after a few days off of riding he is stiffer, but this time he felt more relaxed and comfortable- wow!
I am so excited to share our journey with you and will be posting updates and new testimonials as they come!
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* Sponsor Name: Missy Aho
* Sponsor Username: HeavensBreath
The iTeraCare device is a certified household electrical equipment. It has been certified as “safe to use.” It emits no harmful radiation and it has labels allowing for its distribution internationally.
The iTeraCare blower is not medical equipment and the manufacturer provides no medical advice. Users understand that the device is not intended to be used as a medical device or for diagnostic purposes on which reliance should be placed. Its use is not intended to be relied upon in lieu of medical treatment or advice by a trained medical care practitioner. Users understand that they use the iTeraCare blower at their own risk.
Always consult your doctor or other healthcare professional with any questions regarding any medical condition, or for specific guidance regarding the optimal use of the iTeraCare blower, nutrition, or physical activity.
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