The terahertz frequency resonates and activates our healthy cells. All unhealthy, abnormal and bad cells will be eliminated.
Unblocks meridian, stimulate acupuncture points, purify the blood and increase metabolism.
Terahertz frequency along with quantum energy can penetrate deeper into the bone marrow, activating dormant stem cells.
Terahertz frequency dilates blood vessels, reduces blood flow resistance and viscosity
It regulates endocrine glands, protecting our organs. Endocrine glands send out hormones throughout the body to normalize all systems.
Clears unhealthy body moisture and fats. Balances Body's Immunity
Watch this video to learn how iTeraCare works
Transforms cluster water molecules into a linear size for deep penetration into the cell
Antioxidant - Anti-radiation - Anti-bacteria - Reduces blood viscosity - Disolve body waste - Eliminate toxins
Blow directly for at least 1 minute to structure and charge your water that will destroy free radicals!
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* Sponsor Name: Missy Aho
* Sponsor Username: HeavensBreath
650 watts, sturdier than Classic, quieter than both other models, longer-lasting, comes in hard protective case,
2 settings - Low Speed, Low Heat. High Speed, High Heat. Heat settings are much higher than the Classic.
It releases 30% more Terahertz than the Classic.
Cost: $1,185
1200 watts, very sturdy, built for more continuous use like in clinical settings for multiple applications, requires less time for treatments due to higher power, results much faster, quieter than Classic, comes in hard protective case well-padded with locks on the outside.
4 settings - Low Speed, Low Heat. High Speed, Low Heat. High Speed, High Heat. No Heat, Low Speed (Cool).
It releases 50% more Terahertz than the Classic.
Cost: $3950
1 - Terahertz waves
The spectral imaging effect of Terahertz waves can accurately detect abnormalities in human cells.
2 - Bio-sinusoidal energy
The Bio Sinusoidal energy resonates at the same frequency with human cells to activate and energize them.
3 - Far infrared rays
Far-infrared rays rapidly increases the temperature of the skin surface, accelerates blood circulation, relieves muscle tension and relieves pain.
Cost:$4,680 USD
Protect yourself from the harmful effects of EMF (Electromagnetic Field) radiation.
Newly designed for 5G.
For use on:
As long as the hologram remains intact, the EMF shield is designed to remain effective for one year. Replace after the hologram shows signs of deterioration.
Cost:$62.40 USD
1 - Increases dissolved hydrogen in the water
Dissolved hydrogen in the water increases its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
2 - It has a negative Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)
The water treated by the 7Wonders water bottle has a negative ORP reading, which means it has powerful anti-oxidant properties and thus an ability to neutralize the damaging oxidizing effects of free radicals.
3 - Alkaline's the water
The water in 7Wonders becomes alkaline and can help neutralize the acidic food and drinks that we consume.
4 - Reduces the molecular size of the water
When the water molecules become smaller, it helps in the delivery of nutrients to our cells and enhances metabolism and micro-circulation.
5 - It's Antioxidant
Free radicals can cause damage to human cells. Antioxidants can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals.
6 - Adds minerals to the water
The CoreMinerals in 7Wonders contain essential minerals like Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Metasilicic Acid and other trace minerals.
7 - Anti-Bacterial
Lab-tested results show its anti-bacterial quality.
Cost: $364.00 USD
7-Wonders-User-Manual (pdf)
DownloadProtect yourself from the harmful effects of EMF (Electromagnetic Field) radiation.
Newly designed for 5G.
For use on:
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* Sponsor Name: Missy Aho
* Sponsor Username: HeavensBreath
To purchase out of the USA contact me
The iTeraCare device is a certified household electrical equipment. It has been certified as “safe to use.” It emits no harmful radiation and it has labels allowing for its distribution internationally.
The iTeraCare blower is not medical equipment and the manufacturer provides no medical advice. Users understand that the device is not intended to be used as a medical device or for diagnostic purposes on which reliance should be placed. Its use is not intended to be relied upon in lieu of medical treatment or advice by a trained medical care practitioner. Users understand that they use the iTeraCare blower at their own risk.
Always consult your doctor or other healthcare professional with any questions regarding any medical condition, or for specific guidance regarding the optimal use of the iTeraCare blower, nutrition, or physical activity.
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